Student & Community Resources
Resources are updated weekly! Be sure to check this page frequently.
University of Utah Writing Center
Get your written assignments and works evaluated to elevate your writing at every academic level.
U Student Success Coaches
Meet with a Student Success Coach to enhance your student success!
Learning Center Services
Free services offered to support your academic needs!
Academic Renewal - Request to Discount All Grades Below a D+ From Your Transcript!
This is a one-time opportunity that can be used throughout your undergraduate career! Find out how to make a request HERE
APIA Scholars
Applications for scholarships will open soon! Visit HERE to see the dates and eligibility!
Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Scholarship
DEADLINE: January 31st, 2025
- Academic year scholarships provide a $5,000 stipend and up to $10,000 in tuition and fees for undergraduate students, and a $15,000 stipend and up to $18,000 toward tuition and fees for graduate students.
- Summer scholarships provide a $3,500 stipend and up to $5,000 in tuition and fees for summer intensive language programs.
University of Utah Scholarship Database
Basic Needs Collective
Get support for what you need:
- Financial support
- Food
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Childcare
- Tech & Tutoring Resources
- Transportation
- Legal
- Clothing
OCA National Summer Internship
Are you interested in advocating for the AANHPI community? Consider applying to the OCA National Summer Internship at Washington D.C.!
Priority: December 1st, 11:59PM PST
Final: January 5th, 11:59PM PST
Apply today! More details found HERE
U Service Corp Non-Profit Local Internships
Spring Semester Application Deadline: October 13th, 2024
- Receive up to $5000 in scholarship and work compensatio
- Earn 3 Credit Hours through the Hinckley Insitute
If you are seeing this beyond the deadline, make a request directly to the organization you want to intern for to see if they can do it from the back-end of the process!
Hinckley Institute Internship Page
Find information on Local, National, and International internships
Hype Squad
Do you know of any students who love events, live on or close by campus, want a part-time job and maybe even have some great outgoing people skills?
The Office of Student Experiences are hiring 2-3 students to help with Friday Night Hype events, general event planning and coordination and ya know, just helping us help students!
Union Building Manager
- Textbooks paid by Union from Inclusive access or physical copies.
- Pay starts at $13.50 with semi-annual raises
- Get paid every 7th and 22nd of each month
Recreation Desk
- Textbooks paid for by Union
- Hourly rate starts at $12.00/hr with semi-annual raises
Union Fellowships
- Scholarships awarded in semester fellowship is completed.
- If tuition is paid, disbursement will be awarded to your bank account or mailed with a check.
- Additional scholarship awarded to cover costs of textbooks.
- Fellowships are renewable.
- 10-20 hours a week required to complete the fellowship.
University of Utah Student Jobs Database
Find a campus job today!
Mental Health First Aid & Achieving Whole Health Certification
Offered through the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
- Get certified in Mental Health First Aid and Achieving Whole Health Coaching from NHAAPI community leaders through online/Zoom training sessions!
- Dates for trainings may vary.
Resume & Cover Letter Help
Enhance your resume with templates created by the School of Business.
November Service Corner Nites
The Bennion Center is looking for volunteers for their Service Corner Nites throughout November at Kahlert Village @ 6PM!
1. 11/6 - Craft & Laundry Kits for the Road Home
2. 11/12 - Holiday Cards for Utah Prison Education Project
3. 11/21 - Paper Snowflakes for Ronald McDonald House
Empower Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC)
"Building political power through civic engagement to ensure that the local, state, and national policy decisions that most impact the Pacific Islander community are not made without us."
OCA National Center
"Touching hundreds of thousands of AANHPIs each year, OCA National Center works with its organizational partners, members, chapters, and supporters to empower the next generation of leaders."
Pacific Islander Knowledge 2 Action Resources (PIK2AR)
"PIK2AR is a strength-based ecosystem of programs and events that aim to eliminate violence, empower, improve health, and give dignity and hope by increasing personal and financial growth into ethnic and underserved households. We promote and perpetuate all Pacific Island cultures, create alliances, and bridge communities through sharing resources, education, and offering support."
South Pacific Islander Organization (SPIO)
"South Pacific Islander Organization is a 100% volunteer-led 501(c)3 nonprofit creating digital resources for Pacific Islanders to pursue, successfully navigate, and attain higher education."
Utah Pacific Islander Chamber (UPIC)
"UPIC is the only state-recognized Chamber of Commerce serving the Pacific Islander Community."
Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition (UPIHC)
"The Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition (UPIHC) seeks to improve quality of life for Pacific Islanders and the communities they live in throughout the state of Utah through health promoting efforts including public health education, preventive wellness services, and health policy advocacy."